Gender, Competitiveness, and Intentions to Pursue STEM Fields Catherine Riegle-Crumb, Menglu Peng, Jenny Buontempo PDF
Applying a Gender Lens to the Predictors of High-tech Career Intentions among Engineering Students in Bangladesh Samina M. Saifuddin, Lorraine Dyke, Maria Rasouli PDF
The Role of STEM Self-Efficacy on STEM Identity for Middle School Girls after Participation in a Single-Sex Informal STEM Education Program Roxanne Hughes, Kari Roberts PDF
It’s What You Call It: Gendered Framing and Women’s and Men’s Interest in a Robotics Instruction Task Sarah Morton, Julie A Kmec, Matthew E Taylor PDF
Selective Incivility, Harassment, and Discrimination in Canadian Sciences & Engineering: A Sociological Approach Jennifer Dengate, Tracey Peter, Annemieke Farenhorst, Tamara Franz-Odendaal PDF