Effects of Classroom Quality, Gender Stereotypes, and Efficacy on Math and Science Interest over School Transitions Joan M Barth, Stephanie Masters PDF
Science Identity Predicts Science Career Aspiration Across Gender and Race, but Especially for Boys Kaitlin Bodnar, Tara L Hofkens, Ming-Te Wang, Christian D Schunn PDF
Do Social Comparisons Matter for University Major Choices? A Longitudinal Study From a Gender Perspective Luise von Keyserlingk, Michael Becker, Malte Jansen PDF
Do You Stand Out? Perceptions of Ability, Work Ethic, and Participation in College STEM Classes Amy Roberson Hayes, Kristin J. Hixson, Stephanie L. Masters PDF
“Maybe These Fields Just Don’t Interest Them:” Gender and Ethnic Differences in Attributions about STEM Inequities Sara Rachel Kent, Jennifer E John, Rachael D. Robnett PDF
STEMing from scholarship and resilience: A case study focusing on U.S. undergraduate women who are thriving in STEM Sarah E Thoman, Tori DiBona, James Abelar, Rachael D Robnett PDF
Cultural Stereotypes and Sense of Belonging Contribute to Gender Gaps in STEM Allison Master, Andrew N. Meltzoff PDF