Gendered Gatekeeping in the Recruitment and Support of (Prospective) PhDs and Postdocs in a Mathematical Cluster of Excellence

Gender disparities persist in the field of mathematics in German science and academia. From one scientific career level to the next, the proportion of female scientists decreases and women are still underrepresented in the top positions in science/academia. Gatekeeping is assumed to be one reason for the persistence of this disparity. Gatekeepers influence access to and advancement in the science system: They recruit researchers and provide support in the form of knowledge relevant for career advancement and open the way for further career steps, i.e., they hold an important decision-making position regarding the future of prospective female scientists. The study investigates if and if so, how gender disparities are reinforced in recruitment and support processes by gatekeepers in a mathematical cluster of excellence in Germany. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with 44 scientific gatekeepers in leadership positions. The results show how recruitment and support practices, perceptions, and criteria of scientific potential are interwoven with gender stereotypes, thereby creating potential barriers for female PhD students and postdocs.
Gatekeeping, gender disparities, mathematics, qualitative research