PERSPECTIVES Women's Representation in ICT Employment: Approaches to Bringing about Organisational Change


  • Judith Glover Roehampton University Business School
  • Christina Evans Roehampton University Business School


women's employment, science, engineering, technology, organisational practice


Women's representation in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) employment remains low in the UK and even shows a small decrease over the last 10 years, with a similar picture in Europe. This Perspectives article reviews an approach to bringing about changes in organisational diversity — the so-called ‘business case approach’. The business case approach is often contrasted with a ‘social justice approach’, and many writers argue that the business case approach will be ineffective in the long run without social justice underpinnings. We argue that this is a difficult judgement to make and we make the case for two approaches that might bring about change: the systematic evaluation of existing change initiatives so that effectiveness could be established; and a systems approach to organisational change.



Author Biographies

  • Judith Glover, Roehampton University Business School
    Professor of Employment Studies,&Roehampton University Business School
  • Christina Evans, Roehampton University Business School
    Senior Lecturer in HRM, Roehampton University Business School
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Women in ICT: international research from a lifecourse perspective

How to Cite

PERSPECTIVES Women’s Representation in ICT Employment: Approaches to Bringing about Organisational Change. (2011). International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 3(2), 517-524.