In Her Own Voice: Identity Centrality and Perceptions of Workplace Climate in Blogs by Women Scientists


  • Jocelyn Steinke Western Michigan University


women in science, social identity theory, workplace climate, identity integration




Social identity theory offers a useful perspective for understanding women scientists’ perceptions of the gendered workplace cultures they encounter. This study of blogs written by women academic scientists, found that regardless of whether they exhibited work identity centrality or family identity centrality, women scientists experienced identity interference. This was related to workplace climate, perceptions of job opportunities, workload, research funding, resources/equipment, networking opportunities, professional recognition and respect, and work-family balance.& Implications for policy, practice, and social change are discussed.


Author Biography

  • Jocelyn Steinke, Western Michigan University

    Dr. Jocelyn Steinke (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison) is a professor in the School of Communication and holds a joint appointment with the Program in Gender and Women’s Studies at Western Michigan University. &Dr. Steinke’s research focuses on images of science and scientists in the mass media. Her recent research explores the influence of media images of women scientists and engineers on adolescent girls’ conceptions of gender roles and their occupational aspirations.

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Research and theoretical papers

How to Cite

In Her Own Voice: Identity Centrality and Perceptions of Workplace Climate in Blogs by Women Scientists. (2013). International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 5(1), 25-51.