Promoting Equity by Gender into the Classroom: Lessons learned from the development and implementation of a Web-based course

The Institute of Technology at Linköping University has taken several steps forward to promote equity by gender and developed a web-based course to support Course Assistants in their professional role. This case study describes Course Assistants’ expressed experiences of the effectiveness of the web-based course. The results show that the course is considered effective mainly due to: (i) the correspondence between its goals and the knowledge mediated, and (ii) its contribution to understanding issues that diminish gender bias within the interaction that takes place between Course Assistants and students in STEM areas. Some students expressed, however, that they were well aware of gender gap problems, because of the society in which they live today and because of the work adopted to promote gender-sensitive teaching at the Institute of Technology. The findings can have a significant impact in identifying innovate strategies when developing courses that aim to implement a gender perspective in the STEM field.
Equity by gender, web-based gender course, Course Assistants, STEM areas.