Understanding Successful Engagement of Women and Underrepresented Students in a Multidisciplinary Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)
A course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) may attract and retain women and students from underrepresented minority groups in STEM fields early in their academic careers. This paper evaluates the relative success of a multidisciplinary CURE in a quantitative course. We compared background characteristics, course experiences, and outcomes of male and female under-represented (URM) and non-underrepresented students. Male and female URM and non-URM students differed on many pre-course characteristics and post-course self-reported course experiences. However, positive course outcomes and predictors of those outcomes did not differ by URM or gender group, with few exceptions. The Passion-Driven Statistics CURE can equip the future STEM workforce with the data analysis skills and reasoning needed across industries and may influence educational and career trajectories for female and URM students.
CURE, multidisciplinary, higher education