Editorial: Gendered Pathways Towards (and away from) STEM Fields

This special issue is an initiative of the "Network Gender & STEM: Educational and occupational pathways and participation" (www.genderandSTEM.com), founded in 2010. Members of the network share the objectives to:
(i)&&&&&& gain more insight into the various connected aspects of career choices and professional careers of girls/women (and boys/men) in the direction of STEM; and
(ii)&&&&& detect new approaches to actually improve the underrepresentation of girls/women in STEM.
The collection of papers in our special issue reflects presentations at our first Network conference, Haarlem, the Netherlands, 5-6 September 2012, which focused on gendered pathways towards (and away from) STEM fields & &
Gender & STEM Network, Selected conference papers, Special issue