Game-Based Learning for Facilitating Gender Equity in ICT

Studies report a lower self-concept among female students, which is influenced by stereotypes rather than by objective achievement or individual aptitudes. This has consequences with regard to motivation for ICT studies and for later career choice. Therefore, the project Mit-Mut aimed at supporting female students’ motivation and self-concept in ICT, particularly by enabling experiences of proficiency through a game-based learning approach. During the game, students worked in a social enterprise network role-play game for about six weeks. This paper provides insights into the processes and outcomes of the game. Qualitative research results show that, during the game, the female students developed their ‘sense of mastery’ as a prerequisite for a positive self-concept in using ICT and also a more differentiated perspective on females in ICT professions.
gender, game-based learning, STEM, academic self-concept, motivation, information and communication technologies (ICT), stereotypes