Guest Editorial: Gendered Motivation and Choice in STEM Part 2: Socio-cultural, organizational and socialization factors. Rebecca Lazarides, Angela Ittel PDF
Achievement and Motivation in Mathematics and Science: The Role of Gender and Immigration Background Malte Jansen, Petra Stanat PDF
Family Friendly STEM: Perspectives on Recruiting and Retaining Women in STEM Fields Erica Weisgram, Amanda Diekman PDF
Corporate culture matters — what kinds of workplaces appeal to highly skilled engineers? Angelika Trübswetter, Karen Genz, Katharina Hochfeld, Martina Schraudner PDF
De-Gendering STEM - Lessons Learned From an Ethnographic Study of a Physics Laboratory Petra Lucht PDF
Gendered Teacher Expectations of Mathematics Achievement in New Zealand: Contributing to a Kink at the Base of the STEM Pipeline? Penelope Winifred StJohn Watson, Christine Margaret Rubie-Davies, Kane Meissel, Annaline Flint, Elizabeth Ruth Peterson, Lynda Garrett, Lyn McDonald PDF
The Role of Parental Values and Child-specific Expectations in the Science Motivation and Achievement of Adolescent Girls and Boys Päivi Hannele Taskinen, Julia Dietrich, Bärbel Kracke PDF
Motivational profiles in mathematics: What role do gender, age and parents’ valuing of mathematics play? Rebecca Lazarides, Charlott Rubach, Angela Ittel PDF
Talent viewer: evaluation of a project aimed at breaking down (gender) stereotypes about STEM and STEM-talents in primary schools in the Netherlands (Noortje) Eleonora Josepha Maria Jansen, Linda Marieke Derksen PDF